Leading Distributor of Electronic Components

Electronic components, integrated circuits, transistors, IGBT modules,capacitors and discrete resistors

what we do

Our Outstanding Electronic Components Services

Integrated Circuits (ICs)

An integrated circuit is a circuit with a specific function that integrates a certain number of commonly used electronic components, such as resistors, capacitors, transistors, etc.,and the connections between these components, through a semiconductor process.

Tools and Industrial Supplies

Hardware, hand tools, accessories, accessories and chemicals used to assemble, repair, handle and store PCBs and electronic components fall into this category

Circuit Protection

Circuit protection devices are used to protect circuits from electrostatic discharge damage, such as transient voltage suppression diodes and gas discharge tubes,

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Electrical connectors are devices that connect two active devices to transmit current or signals, and can be divided into low-frequency and high-frequency types according to their working purposes.

Product Application Field

Application Range Of Electronic Components

Electronic Components Are Used In A Wide Range Of Fields, Such As Industrial Frequency Converters And Industrial Electronic Equipment.The Medical Industry Is A Big Demand Industry. Mobile Phones,Computers And Many Other Electronic Products Around Peoples Lives.

Our advantage

Why choose us?


Reliable quality

We obtaining sources from authorizedsuppliers with enhanced quality test could itbe safe and reliable


Fast delivery

We guarantee we will arrange shipment in24 hours after order confirmation

andcustomer will get goods in the fastest time


Reliable quality

Working with screened and verified suppliers to ensure reliable quality of the products provided. You can buy components with relative confidence.


24/7 service

No matter when you run into a problem, have a question or need help, our customer service team is here to provide you with support and answers.

our parts

Popular Replace Parts

We sincerely hope that we can be your best partner in the distribution of components! Keep trying .Go ahead with our mission.

Payment Method
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Contact Us
Vegons Technology Co., Limited Room 1502, Easey Commercial Building, 253-261 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
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